My speech has as principal axis the existing relationships between the photography and its principal registers: time and space.
The capacity to register time is, indeed, the most important aspect I wish to emphasize. This aspect becomes evident when temporality is distorted and I create a fiction of the extension of the photographic instant and it is the extreme expansion of such instant that evidences this capacity.
The change of perception of space is the second axis on which my work is articulated. This change takes place when the representation codes of the photography are interfered with. This interference is produced by means of the no-utilization of the central perspective, the revolving of the tridimensional space encompassing the plane, the inclusion of effects specifically corresponding to the optic system, or the panoramic concept. As of this concept of a double way to perceive the image is created. The perception of the details, in extremely oblong proportional images forces a closeness that isolates the spectator from the whole. On the contrary, the needed distance to observe the whole, constrains the appreciation of the detail itself.